Monthly Archives: July 2011

New additions to the family
A couple weeks ago I put up a post about Eliza’s second birthday. One of her presents from her Papa was a new 10View full post »

Bring long underwear
As far as I can tell, professional photographers fall into one of two categories. Those who always carry a camera withView full post »

Love is in the details
Along with all the wonderful, spontaneous moments we capture throughout the wedding day, there is also the importantView full post »

Kiersten and Jeff at Settler’s Inn: Take two
In a previous post, we said we were fortunate enough to work with the “World’s Most Relaxed Bride.”View full post »

Trip and Laura Wedding: The first half of the day
A couple weeks ago, we showed you some of the partying going on during the second half of Trip and Laura’sView full post »

Annette and Darren: Part Deux
A couple of weeks ago we posted some reception photos from Annette and Darren’s wedding in New Milford. AsView full post »

Eliza turns 2!
Along with Chad’s tenth year in a row for a 30th birthday party this past weekend, we also had myView full post »

Partying with friends and family
So we had a little get together at the house over the weekend. We had several friends, including myself, celebratingView full post »