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Thanksgiving on Instagram

I can admit that I was totally lazy today. I had big plans to get all of my gear out and take great photos of Thanksgiving dinner. The whole family was here, which meant a bunch of kids running around. It was going to be great.

So instead, I tried a little experiment. A world famous wedding photographer Jerry Ghionis once shot a wedding with an iPhone. He actually just took some shots with an iPhone. Either way, they were really well done photos that I bet most people wouldn’t be able to tell were taken with a phone. Goes to prove it’s the carpenter and not the tool, if you know what I mean.

Anyway I took my food shots with my iPhone and used Instagram for the effects. It was a good time. I can tell you I had to act fast. Once the food hit the table it was every man for himself. I should have taken a photo of the aftermath but it was gone almost as quickly as it was put on the table. We move fast in our family.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It’s a great excuse to give your family a hug and tell them you love them.


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