Two Sticks Studios – Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Poconos Wedding Photographers » Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Poconos Wedding Photography, Senior Photography and Portrait Photography

A little wedding pre-game

There’s a part of wedding days we don’t talk about too much. It’s the time before, when the guys are tossing on the tuxes and the girls are  gathered and getting hair and makeup done. It’s also a pretty unpredictable time.  You don’t really know what you are going to get. Some guys are nervous and others super laid back. Some brides and frenetic while other pass the time calming everyone else down. We go from cramped hotel rooms to beautiful homes.

At Maura and Jesse’s “pre-game,” it was all business – the business of having as much fun as possible. It’s a theme they carried over pretty much all day. Here are some shots we don’t usually get a chance to share.


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