Okay, so I decided way too late this week that my blog post today was going to be the video of our engagement session with Annette and Darren. Annette’s brother-in-law, Eric Toffey, shot the video for us using one of our 5D Mark IIs. Pretty good job for his first time using the camera and hand-holding it at that. I was hoping for more explosions, but Michael Bay wasn’t available.
I started putting the video together last night by going through all the video Eric shot for us and deciding what to include. I ended around 4 a.m. this morning after sending a Facebook message to Jason O at 3:31 a.m. asking if we could use his music. He actually got back to me at 3:38 a.m. What the heck was he doing up?
Luckily, Eliza decided to sleep in until almost 8 a.m., so by the time I got to bed, I got almost a full 3.5 hours of sleep. Woohoo!
Anyway, it came together pretty quick last night and I just want to thank Eric for the video, Jason O for the music (check him out at http://jasonomusic.com, his stuff is awesome) and Annette and Darren for being a great couple.