I might have mentioned this before but I have a lot of photos hanging up around my house. Most of them are crooked. All of them are spaced poorly and I love all of them. There are photos of friends I see all the time and ones I never see. There are family photos and way too many of my kid. She’s a willing photo subject. I even have one of two of my wife – not the most willing model you’ll ever meet.
There’s also something I’m going to add – if I can find room. We sell quite a few canvases in our sales meetings. One of the reasons is the flexibility. They can be almost any size, which means you don’t have to get expensive custom framing and they offer some great design options. This is really the part I love. It’s the ability to combine some photos in a series in a nice clean canvas.
I’d go on and on about the benefits but I’m just going to show you two of them we did for our friends Katie and Scott of their daughters Clare and Grace. Props to Katie for the matching outfits. It may have taken two sessions, but it was well worth it! The girls were very animated and stinkin’ adorable!