Two Sticks Studios – Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Poconos Wedding Photographers » Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Poconos Wedding Photography, Senior Photography and Portrait Photography

Nicole and Stan wedding | Scranton wedding photographers

“OK, I’ll take the girls.”
“Wait, you got the girls the last time!”
“So what!”

And there’s the gist of the conversation between Bob and me before most weddings. Don’t get me wrong, the guys are a blast. Some of the best times I’ve had shooting weddings have been with guys, but a lot of time the girls offer more opportunity for memorable photos. Just consider the hair and makeup and putting on the wedding dress. There are just so many moments right in front of you waiting to be captured. Let’s face it guys, we throw on a tux 10 minutes before we are out the door. Plus, the guys have nothing on the girls when it comes to stories. God, I could never and would never repeat them, but I’ve never laughed so hard as when the girls are getting ready for a wedding. So that’s why you’re getting photos of the girls getting ready this week. I had such a good time with Nicole at the Hotel Bethlehem and her three bridesmaids I thought it was worth posting a few photos from it. So congrats Nicole and Stan, and Stan you’ll get some photos of you soon. But today, it’s about the ladies.

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