Yeah I’m a sucker for a love story. I wouldn’t be in this business if I wasn’t. I”ll admit it. I get choked up at weddings – even though I’m there to work. It’s not usually the ceremony that gets me, although it can be, but it’s usually the little moments in the speeches or a first dance and some other little detail that catches my eye or I overhear. That’s actually one of the things that’s great about being a photographer is every once in awhile you get access or overhear or see a very private moment that can be overwhelming with emotion. I have to remind myself sometimes to keep shooting. Well, for Raylean and Daniel, it’s their story. They met in Mexico City while working, and their journey together has taken them to Philadelphia and for a brief afternoon to Scranton for their wedding. They are such genuine people and so clearly in love that they can be inspiring to be around. I would be hard-pressed to find two more gracious, caring and in love people. It was really an honor to photograph their wedding – an event warm with family and friends. I guess it just goes to show that love travels well.
As usual, Bob and I split the duties of shooting the bride and groom before the ceremony. The images below are the ones we captured in the hour or two before Raylean and Daniel met at the altar. They all struck me as celebratory mixed with anticipation. So here they are.