What do they say about opportunity? It only knocks once or something like that. Whatever. I’ve missed too many opportunities to remember. But once in awhile you don’t miss one, and you take advantage of it. How good does that feel? Honestly, the one I’m about to tell about I would have missed if it was left up to me. But that’s what they make friends and business partners for. So thanks, Bob, for pulling my head out of my fanny and making me take this one.
So what am I talking about? A trip to Atlantic City to spend a day or so with the best wedding photographers in the world. I’d like to say I’m overstating it, but I’m not. The best guys in the business shared their techniques, ideas and everything with other wedding photographers in this communal we-love-great-wedding photography session. We listened to them talk about their approach to getting perfect color and how to pose brides and couples and even hit the streets with them and some models to grab some shots. It was really an invaluable experience. I know we came back better photographers. What also struck me though was the sense of community and lack of ego with the pros we met. They were so willing to share their thoughts on how to get great photos and so willing to spend a little time with you to answer questions. I still look at some of their stuff and think it’s amazing.
Here are some links to a few of the presenters who were there. I hope you enjoy looking at their work as much as we do. We’ll let you know when we get booked as presenters. Then the fun really starts!
Ryan Brenizer @ryanbrenizer
Doug Gordon @douggordonphoto
Jerry Ghionis @jerryghionis
Peter Hurley @peter_hurley
Bob and Dawn Davis @bobdavis_1
Vanessa and Rob @vanessaandrob
And of course, we took some photos. Yeah we took some shots of the models but these are photos of us being geeks and getting photos with some of the presenters.