Winter provides its own little challenges when shooting a wedding. First, there’s the “don’t fall on your ass” problem. Then there’s the “we’re probably not doing any photos outside” problem.
There are a host of challenges, but like we have always said before, where obstacles lie, so do opportunities. Take Victoria’s wedding ceremony. Sure it was a cold day, it was dark at 5 p.m., it was slippery outside, but on the upside her church was decorated beautifully for the holidays. Gene Seamon knocked the flowers out of the park as usual. Victoria and Ryan were totally ready to roll and have a great time making the most of their day. It’s funny how often that translates into better photos. Probably not a coincidence.
So without further delay, I give you some thumbs up, some goofing around, cute little kids, fancy shoes, a candle and, of course, bagpipes.