OK, quick quiz. What’s the coolest thing in the world. We’ll do multiple choice so the slower kids in our little group have a chance to get it right. Just kidding. I’m primarily talking to my brother anyway. He’s a loyal reader.
Here we go.
The question is …
What is the coolest thing in the world?
A. Puppies with jetpacks
B. Sitting next to the smart kid in math class
C. Jazzy Scooter polo
D. Golden Girls reruns
E. None of the above
Tough one, right? The envelope please.
The answer is ……………. Puppies with jetpacks! I mean seriously what could be cooler than that?
But there’s another really cool thing … Two Sticks Studios gift cards.
Seriously this is a big deal. We now have gift cards for sale. But you’re thinking, “So what, gift cards. Everybody does that.” Well, true enough, but what about a gift card as a wedding present? You can be someone who plays a concrete role in preserving memories for a lifetime. Now, tell me what’s cooler than that.
Can’t come up with anything? I’ll help you out. How about helping a high school senior with the cost of senior portraits or helping new parents capture lasting images of their little one. Calling all aunts, uncles and grandmas. This is the perfect present.
So just give us a call or drop us an email and we will happily take care of the rest for you. It’s that easy.