Hi everyone. I wanted to do a post about bridal portraits – not necessarily the ones you might think of that are done in the studio, but the on-location ones we like to do on wedding days. They can be a huge challenge because it is often chaos on the wedding day, but they also offer a huge opportunity to find a way to produce something memorable in less-than-ideal conditions. It’s one of the best parts of the job. I was thinking that the photographs that stop me, the ones that make me wonder how the photographers did it, are the ones I didn’t expect to see. And they are almost always shot from a place that most people would not think to shoot. And often that involves risk. You might only get a few minutes of time alone with a bride for the portraits. There is always the easy way. Find a nice clean background and put the bride in a pose and fire away. Nothing wrong with that and it can produce nice work. But the next level goes beyond that. It finds moments or details that you can include in the photo that will set it apart.
I’m pretty happy with the photos below. We were in a house loaded with people and took just a few minutes to grab some shots. There were two rooms connected by French doors that had great beveled edges. I’m a sucker for beveled edges on mirrors and windows. So for the shot, I went into the opposite room from Ashley and angled the doors so I could shoot through the glass. The framing and the “duplicate” effect of the bevel gives it a “captured moment” feel even though it was completely set up. The other, I just draped her veil over her face to give the portraits a nice soft look. I hit the shutter once and had it. Then we were off to the ceremony.