So whaddya get when you cross a chemist, a designer, punk rock and fire? Don’t even bother because you’ll never get it.
You get Cori and Todd, an amazing couple we had the pleasure of doing engagement photos for a couple of weeks ago. I was so looking forward to this shoot since the moment we met. You see they both love to spend time together camping and wanted photos to capture that time. Yes! We love it when couples show us who they are and invite us to photograph them doing things they love. So we headed to the Wilkes-Barre area to a camping spot Cori and Todd know, and we got to work. It was terrific. We were in one spot and didn’t have to move around a bunch to find good locations. It was all there for us. Plus we had the added bonus of having just as little gas to pour on the fire when we needed it and voila. And, yes, I am one of those guys who can sit by a fire all night. I’m also one of those guys who also thinks there’s always room for another log on the fire. On to the pics!