Not too long ago, we wrote about a really cool senior shoot done at the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins practice rink down in Wilkes-Barre. It was a really unique place to do the photos and a first for us, but it wasn’t our only first for the day. Because we do our senior sessions on location, we usually go to more than one place so our clients have some variety in their photos.
We’ve been lucky enough to work with some families that have beautiful properties that we get to visit. This was no different – with one pretty big difference. Paul’s family has a peacock. It was a gift for his mom and lives in the backyard in a coop. It came as no surprise when Paul wanted a photo with the peacock. As it turns out, they’re pretty tough to wrangle, even when they are in a coop. But we did what we could to make sure we got a photo of Paul with the peacock. Bob was the lucky one to get in the coop with the peacock. I offered but I have an exceptionally rare allergy to peacocks. (Cough)
On to the picks.