I was talking to another photographer the other day. Because we’re photographers, we were talking about equipment. He was getting the newest Canon 5D Mark III and we were going on about all of the things that it does, the color it produces, the video it can shoot. It’s like a work of art. Photography equipment can be like that though. It has this luring ability. It has this “I have to have it now” ability. God knows, I’ve fallen victim to it and probably will again.
I also know that equipment is not what makes great photos. Not in the wedding business.
It’s the beginning of a new year and I always take a second to look back at some older stuff. It helps give me ideas for the new year and some perspective about where we were and where we are going. So I started going through some engagement photos because it’s getting close to that time of year when we are shooting and scheduling engagements. I thought it might be the perfect time to talk about how we shoot engagement sessions. They are somewhat unique. Bob and I pride ourselves on blending in on your wedding day. We try to capture the little moments of the day that trigger memories that will last. On wedding days it’s not that hard. There are big groups, loud music and everyone is focused on things other than the photographers. Engagements are different. It’s us, it’s you and it’s the cameras. There’s no blending in. So does that mean stale and staged photos? Of course not.
There’s a reason you’re getting married. There’s a reason you picked him. There’s a reason you love her. Really, there are dozens of reasons. It’s our job to make help you feel comfortable enough to share them with us. We’re not talking about about asking you to tell us why you fell in love. I really doubt most people would be able to express it. It’s a combination of everything. It’s her laughing every time at your stupid joke because she still thinks it’s funny. It’s how nervous you get when she opens the birthday present you got her. It’s how you hold hands. It’s all those things. Never be afraid to show them. It’s who you are and we love seeing it.