It’s been a tough winter for brides and brides-to-be. One of the bonuses of braving the winter weather is the photos. If you’re lucky you get an untrampled landscape, that’s just awesome in photos. The other reward is your photos will be very different from just about every other bride’s.
But, there’s a downside too. First, this winter has sucked. It’s been pathetic. Forget sweeping landscapes of newly fallen snow. Say hello to gray skies and brown and barren terrain. Not exactly the recipe for great photos.
So we scrambled a few weeks ago when we actually got an inch of snow to shoot some engagement photos for Bob’s sister-in-law Victoria. She really had her heart set on some winter engagement photos. While it required a little bit of a wait and taking the first chance we got, the photos turned out really nice. It helps that Victoria could look good in a tsunami. It’s a good thing because it was just frigid – the kind of cold that makes your fingers ache and your nose red, but Victoria and her fiancé, Ryan, were great about toughing it out. We think it was worth the pain.
Besides, Ryan’s family invited us inside after we were done for fresh cookies and hot chocolate. It was like being 8 years old again. Loved it!
Plus, Victoria and Ryan will get another bite of the winter photo apple. Their wedding is New Year’s Eve.