Two Sticks Studios – Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Poconos Wedding Photographers » Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Poconos Wedding Photography, Senior Photography and Portrait Photography

I probably spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about camera equipment. I also probably spend an inordinate amount of time buying equipment but that’s a different story. Last night I was reorganizing my bag and noticed that my trusty Canon 70-200 mm lens was not on my camera. It’s always on my camera. It is the go-to lens for just about every occasion. Instead I found my newest lens – the 50 mm 1.4 on the camera. It’s a testament to how much I’ve been using it lately. For anyone who has a fast prime lens you know what I mean. They can be a bit addicting.

It seems everyone today is walking around with a zoom on their camera and why not. They are super-functional. They also have some limits. Generally, they are fine for portraits and can produce some great results but hold them up to a prime lens and it’s a different story. The 50 can produce a ridiculous sharpness and has a flexibility with the depth of field that is amazing. I could show you some beautiful portraits of brides that I shot to illustrate my point, but instead I’ll use some lovely assistants who are staying at my house who were more than willing to model for me.

This is Monk E. Check out the sharpness in his right eye. Also notice how out of focus his left eye is. All of these photos were shot with the aperture wide open to show you the depth of field.


This is Monk E. with the focus on his left eye. Check out how blurry his right eye becomes. It is extremely important when shooting portraits to make sure you are very specific in your focus or you could ruin an otherwise beautiful shot.


I also love the effect you can get with a shallow depth of field in a down-the-line pose. In this case Peter is sharp and Ted. E. and Monk E. are blurred. In the next photo, Ted E. is sharp and his friends are blurred. Think of the 50mm like a paintbrush. Leave it on your camera and experiment with what it can do because there is very little it is incapable of handling. Plus, it is unbelievable in low light.


I love shooting babies. Crap, that sounds really, really bad. You know what I mean.They can be a bit of a challenge, though. It turns out they don’t take direction really well. You can say “tilt you head this way” or “turn your face toward the light” all you want. All you’re gonna get is big, beautiful eyes looking at you and seeming to say “Jeez, the big people aren’t very bright.”

It’s those eyes though that really pull me into these photos. There is something about a baby’s eyes. I couldn’t even begin to try to put it in words but they pull you right in – and maybe none more than little Sylvia. Her infectious smile and gorgeous eyes just stood out to me. We are so glad Kristina and Mark asked us to do some portraits of her. She is a total cutie and a trooper because it takes a little time to get the photos and she hung in right to the end. Apparently, it’s also exhausting work because Sylvia took a really nice nap when she was done. Anyway, here are some of our favorite pics.

I hate hospitals. I don’t even like driving past them. In fact, I try to live a pretty healthy life – not because I think it’s the right thing to do. I do it so I can stay out of hospitals.

So when my daughter was checked into pediatrics at Regional Hospital of Scranton with pneumonia, I was less than amused. The only thing worse than being in the hospital yourself is your child having to be there. Before I go any further, she’s fine and has resumed her plot to kill one of her parents by strategically placing any toy with wheels in spots where we are guaranteed to walk.

It’s probably no surprise that I am one of those dad’s who always has a camera somewhere nearby. I hate to miss those moments that I have a chance of preserving. I could not however bring myself to bring the camera to the hospitals – although I’m ashamed to say I considered it. I did have my phone, though, and was able to grab a couple of shots while we were there. Before you get on my case, I know what you’re thinking. In my defense there’s a lot of downtime in hospitals so I grabbed a few shots.

By the way, thanks to my many friends and family who kept checking in to make sure Sophie was OK. It meant everything to Wendy and I. I’m sure Sophie will find this post years from now and read me the riot act for taking pictures while she was laid up. I’ll save you the time, sweetie. Daddy is sorry.

Also, thank you to the nurses at Regional for taking care of my little girl and for reassuring a very nervous dad.

Notice the left arm with the IV hanging out and my daughter looks for other patients that might want to be friends.

Gotta mark your territory. By the way, Sophie is a big fan of elephants. I think Dad gets props for a pretty good-looking elephant.

If you stay in pediatrics you get to put your handprints, name and year on the wall. It was really cool to see., although there were far too many handprints for my liking.

Sophie slapped her hands on the wall, although I’m curious to see the size of the kid who had his prints next to hers. Yeesh!

It’s almost always overlooked – relegated to an afterthought. There’s the receiving line, the cocktail party, the reception. There’s just other things to do on your wedding day. Portraits – other than the ones typically done on the altar after the ceremony – have somehow become the red-headed step child. (You’re allowed to make that joke when you have red hair – or at least used to)

We always recommend to clients when we meet them to leave a couple hours open for portraits so they don’t have to rush to the reception and have time to gather themselves and relax a little. It doesn’t always happen. There are schedules to keep and organizing a wedding and keeping the trains running on time can be a logistical nightmare. But when a couple does make time for portraits it can be terrific.

Ben and LeeAnna made time and we think it was totally worth it. Don’t get me wrong, it was friggin’ cold doing the outside shoots but now they have photos a lot of couples never get because there was no time to squeeze it in. So for you brides to be out there, take our advice, leave a little wiggle room in the schedule to go out and grab some shots after the ceremony. You’ll be glad you did.

On to the pics!


When it came time to get some new business cards, we wanted to do something different. Something that stood out and had a little of our personality. Time to steer away from the formal, stuffy photography business card. So I decided to include little sketches of Chad and myself. They had to be somewhat stick figurish (no way that’s a word) to play off our name.

It turns out we found another way to play off the name from Cards of Wood. That’s right – wood. The cards are actually made from wood veneer. They are pretty freakin’ cool. They are also eco friendly. It actually takes less wood to make one of these cards than it does paper cards. There are no chemicals used, and the logs are from sustainable forests. Definitely a bonus. And yes, we are that excited about business cards. We need help.

For all those brides out there looking to do something really different, they also make wedding invitations and envelopes from over 20 different species. Check out their facebook page for some examples.

As wedding photographers, we usually have very long, hectic days filled with a lot of pressure. That’s part of the fun of what we do. We are trusted with the responsibility of documenting one of the most important days of a couples’ lives. That day is almost always filled with too much to do in too little time.  Not on this day. LeeAnna and Ben had the day planned out perfectly. We had plenty of time after the ceremony to take some beautiful photos before we got to the reception at the Inne of the Abingtons. Those photos will come in a later post. Tonight, its time to party.

The Inne is a beautiful place for photographs. I love the wood ceiling and floors. They soak up the light from the flash, but look great in the photos. Jill from All About Entertainment kept the party going and gave us some great photo opportunities with a dance off and some fun games for kids big and small to enjoy.

Listen up future brides: Stock up on the Sharpies. We’re still waiting for an entire bridal party full of “fingerstaches!”